
For photometry, spectra, and more information of this object, find this object in the Open Supernovae Catalog.

Supernovae information

z 0.107
RA, DEC 14:24:46.20, +46:13:48.3
RA, DEC (deg) 216.192, 46.2301
SN discovery ATel#4121
SN reference Nicholl et al. 2013, Chen et al. 2015, Jerkstrand et al. 2016, Vreeswijk et al. 2016
SN peak magnitude
Filter (SN)
Ha line in observed frame

Host galaxy information

z 0.107
Host magnitude
Filter (host)
Ha line in observed frame
Host reference
Stellar mass 8.89+0.15-0.3  [6]
SFR (SED) 1+0.87-0.45  [6]
SFR (Ha)
sSFR (SED) 1.29
sSFR (Ha)
12+log(O/H) (PP04 N2) 8.1+0.02-0.02  [3], 8.07+0.01-0.01  [7]
12+log(O/H) (KK04 R23)
12+log(O/H) Te
