
For photometry, spectra, and more information of this object, find this object in the Open Supernovae Catalog.

Supernovae information

z 0.101
RA, DEC 12:08:00.89, +49:13:32.88
RA, DEC (deg) 182.004, 49.2258
SN discovery
SN reference
SN peak magnitude
Filter (SN)
Ha line in observed frame

Host galaxy information

z 0.101
Host magnitude
Filter (host)
Ha line in observed frame
Host reference
Stellar mass 7.36+0.24-0.29  [1]
SFR (SED) 0.09+0.15-0.05  [1]
SFR (Ha)
sSFR (SED) 3.93
sSFR (Ha)
12+log(O/H) (PP04 N2)
12+log(O/H) (KK04 R23)
12+log(O/H) Te
